DFL Digital Sports

Robert Lewandowski's Record-Breaking Goal

We partnered with the DFL Digital Sports to commemorate Robert Lewandowski's record-breaking '20-'21 season in which he broke Gerd Muller's single-season 40-goal record. We added rotoscoped 2D animation and effects to some of the Bayern Munich striker's greatest goals of the year.

As one of the more powerful and strong players in the league, we used effects like lightning, energy, and smoke when kicking the ball or making contact with another player. As big fans ourselves, we enjoyed being able to help fans celebrate Robert Lewandowski's greatest season yet.

We partnered with the DFL Digital Sports to commemorate Robert Lewandowski's record-breaking '20-'21 season in which he broke Gerd Muller's single-season 40-goal record. We added rotoscoped 2D animation and effects to some of the Bayern Munich striker's greatest goals of the year.

As one of the more powerful and strong players in the league, we used effects like lightning, energy, and smoke when kicking the ball or making contact with another player. As big fans ourselves, we enjoyed being able to help fans celebrate Robert Lewandowski's greatest season yet.


Client: DFL Digital Sports
Production Company: Deep Sky
Animation Studio: Imaginary Planet
Director: Jared Hobbs
Creative Director: Barret Thomson
Art Director: Gaby Breiter
Animator: Gaby Breiter
Animator: Jack Ellis
Animator: Adam DiTerlizzi
Animator: Lyla Hammar
Animator: Jean Estavão
Animator: Alem Pilav
Compositor: Esli Becerra

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