The Disposables

90's-style 2D shorts

The 90s was a golden era for animation on TV. From personality-packed casts of characters to the ever-disturbing painted gross out frames, it's a style that's always been near and dear to our hearts.

We teamed up with Deep Sky and agency to produce The Disposables, a series of 90s-style 2D animated shorts for the anti-vaping and anti-smoking campaigns of the South Dakota Department of Health. The characters, like Hallie Tosis, Raspy Tory, and Cloudia, all take inspiration from the effects of vaping. And with a hybrid of 2D and 3D animation, they are brought to life, gross out frames and all.

The 90s was a golden era for animation on TV. From personality-packed casts of characters to the ever-disturbing painted gross out frames, it's a style that's always been near and dear to our hearts.

We teamed up with Deep Sky and agency to produce The Disposables, a series of 90s-style 2D animated shorts for the anti-vaping and anti-smoking campaigns of the South Dakota Department of Health. The characters, like Hallie Tosis, Raspy Tory, and Cloudia, all take inspiration from the effects of vaping. And with a hybrid of 2D and 3D animation, they are brought to life, gross out frames and all.

Episode 1 | PopSICKle


For a complete exploration behind the scenes of The Disposables, including character development, animation breakdowns, and more, head to Deep Sky's Behance page.

Episode 2 | Battle Fever


Episode 3 | Too Cool for Pool


Production Company: Deep Sky
Animation: Imaginary Planet
Executive Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: Blake Boxer
Director: Barret Thomson
Project Manager / Animation Lead: Adam DiTerlizzi
Animator / Storyboard Artist: Jack Ellis
Art Director: Gaby West
Lead Illustrator: Finn Sylwester
Audio: Brett White
Storyboard Artist / Illustrator: Kyle Nelson
Storyboard Artist / Illustrator: Haley Purvis
Soundtrack: AikaMusic
Marketing Director: Max Richards

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