Icon Motosports


For Icon Motosports release of their Airflite Space helmet, we created a cosmic 2D animated video packed with interplanetary patriotism and joyrides across the galexy.

For Icon Motosports release of their Airflite Space helmet, we created a cosmic 2D animated video packed with interplanetary patriotism and joyrides across the galexy.


Client: ICON Motosports
Creative Director: Ewald Vorster
Production Company: Deep Sky
Animation Studio: Imaginary Planet
Producer: Jared Hobbs
Creative Director: Barret Thomson
Art Director: Barret Thomson
Marketing Director: Max Richards
Production Manager: Jack Ellis
Character Design: Adam DiTerlizzi
Background Design: Barret Thomson & Finn Sylwester
Storyboards: Adam DiTerlizzi
Matthew Seely
Gaby Breiter
Animator: Adam DiTerlizzi
Animator: Jack Ellis
Compositing: Jack Ellis
Compositing: Esli Becerra
Sound Design: Mikey Navarro

ICON Motosports
Creative Director: Ewald Vorster
Storyboard: Ewald Vorster
Art Director: Kurt Walter

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